The Ol job faves

The more I throw myself into this role, the more excited I become when I catch little glimpses of my favourite aspects emerging. There will always be tasks in any job that you enjoy more than others, but I bloody love it when those favourite moments begin to take shape. I sometimes worry that, in the midst of stress, it becomes far too easy to compile a long list of things I dislike. However, I am happy to report that, at this point, the list of things I enjoy far outweighs any bad bits!

Alas, the only real downside is that I seem to be undergoing a crash course in spelling! Who would have thought that occasionally, my job might depend on it?

Spelling struggles aside, I am incredibly grateful that my list of favourite aspects continues to grow:

My Morning Routine
Surprisingly, my commute to work has become one of my favourite parts of the day. The views are bloody phenomenal , and I love my wee podcast rotation. If I manage to leave early enough, I even have time to pause for ten and enjoy my coffee while taking in the scenery of the peaks—a simple but perfect way to start the day.

Arriving Early
I absolutely love the casual water cooler conversations that happen in the first twenty minutes of the day. It’s utter nonsense, but I find those moments really valuable. As someone who is always a little anxious about appearing MARDY when under pressure, I appreciate the opportunity to remind myself (and hopefully my colleagues) that I am capable of… Laughing?!?

News Roundups
It’s nice to wang on edexcel and see a busy day ahead of me. Busy is great! I feel a teeny bit proud when I see that I have got a full show and I love looking at the stories of the day!

I am certain that I was born to be a plant—just put me in the sun and I will thrive. I am already looking forward to summer at the Quay, when lunches outside will become a new favourite routine.

I cannot express how cool I feel pressing all the little buttons. The countdown, the long trench coat paired with heels at the desk, the seventeen computer screens—it is everything. There is still a long way to go in terms of mastering everything, but I cannot wait to get my hands on more of the technical aspects of the role.

End of the Day
I am still working hard to find a good balance, especially since the commute home takes longer due to traffic. (If everyone in Manchester could kindly work from home, that would be much appreciated!) However, on the days when I feel like I have truly accomplished something and “filled all my cups,” it is one of the most rewarding feelings.

Another fantastic week in the books, if I do say so myself!


rats, I have to call in sick


Week one on the job!