Welcome to the wee blog my loves x
Hi, I’m Hannah Lyra Auld but for journalism we stick to being mid(dle name xox)
I am a 24 year old Broadcast Journalist.
I graduated with a BA in Journalism from the University of Sheffield, with a miraculous absence of Shorthand. Along the way, I was lucky enough to receive the Lyra McKee Bursary, and I’m always up to some freelance investigative and data journalism too.
This wee account is for all things journo without the ick posting on LinkedIn gives me. A real online diary as it were 💅
Since graduating, something that has always been abundantly clear is that I missed doing something fulfilling.
For me, journalism truly is THAT thing I feel confident when I do - and often - adds a little more, than it takes away. I take pride in it but, crucially, I also enjoy it. SO, it comes as no surprise that after a stint shovelling dog shite, I was missing a job that didn’t smell bad, let alone one that made me feel confident.
The violin is rather small of course. I am lucky to say I didn’t dislike the less ‘messy’ element of my temporary role. The job allowed me to live close to my friends, stay in Sheffield (a place I truly love) and in a house I bloody love too. I was one of thousands of graduates still awaiting a role. There are going to be thousands more who have to wait a wee while longer, a reality that is frustrating and saddening.
Instead, I would rather express gratitude that it was a very temporary portion of my career journey. I am excited ‘formerly’ announce that I will be joining the team at That’s TV as a News Reporter. I am excited to be stepping into such a dynamic role, with some really forward thinking journalists.
I am also excited to be (blimey ) ‘launching’ this wee website to document this whole process. I used to run a lil magazine whilst at university and I miss so many elements of it. For now this is the compromise.
I am grateful it’s been a lovely start to the year. I am also grateful for all the beautiful wee people who let me have the odd whinge when it wasn’t going so well.
My wee blog is called lyrathejournalist. (Emphasis on the fact that the title is a bit - because only people I work with call me Lyra and Hannah has apparently been everything BUT a journo xoxo)